Nha Trang H3 • Help

1. Manage Runs

Running icon

Click running man icon, it takes you to:


Run screen

This means that You cannot add new or edit information. You must do login first. Click LOGIN (red arrow points) to login.


Run screen logged in

That is OK! You are a member of Nha Trang H3 Committee member and you can change information here.

Assuming that you are in (2), you click Create button (blue one) to input a Run information. The form looks like:

Run form

Warning: Choosing exact date in calendar and use a valid separator between hares name (a semi conlon and a space)


Inputting nessessary information into TextBoxes and click Submit to next. It takes you to a blank list to add hashers, one by one.

Add hasher to list

You can input a Birth Name or Hash Name. The result looks like:

Search hasher found

Click Add this hasher to list to put a hasher to tabular list. If noone found, you will see:

No hasher found

Click link as the illustration above to open a new tab and quick add a new hasher. This takes you to a form to add a new hasher. Please re-check again by typing into search bar before inputting a new one.

When a new hasher added, you can close the new tab and input one to search bar and it will be found, ready to add to Run list.

2. Manage Beer

Beer icon

Click beer icon, it drives you to a screen:

Beer manager screen

If you see a screen not like above, it looks like:

Beer login

then you must login first.

3. Manage Hashers

Hasher icon

Click people icon, it takes you to:

Hasher manager screen

4. Logout